Perez Valentin*, J. and Muller, M.F.,“Impact of Hurricane Maria on beach erosion in Puerto Rico: remote sensing and causal inference”, (2020), Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2020GL087306
Yoon, J.Muller, M.F., Gorelick, S.M. (2016) "How the Syrian refugee crisis affected land use and shared transboundary freshwater resources", Planet Policy, Brookings Institution.
Water Cooperation and Conflict
Kryston, A., Penny, G., Mondal., S., Bolster, D., Tank, J. and Muller, M.F. (In prep) "Informing the Ganges Water Treaty: Analysis of simulated transboundary streamflow and downstream salinity in Bangladesh"
Muller M.F., Muller-Itten M.C and Gorelick S.M. (2017) "How Jordan and Saudi Arabia are avoiding a tragedy of the commons over shared groundwater", Water Resources Research
Davis K.F, Muller M.F, Rulli M.C., Tatlhego, M., Ali S., Baggio J.A. , Dell’Angelo J. , Jung S., Kehoe, L., Niles, M.T. and Eckert, S. “Transnational agricultural land investments as an emerging threat to forests and biodiversity”, submitted.
Chiarelli, DD, Rosa, L., d’Odorico, P., Muller, MF,Penny, G., Davis, K., Mueller, N., Rulli, MC. “Agricultural water scarcity induced by Large Scale Land Acquisitions”, in Prep.
Avisse, N. , Tilmant, A, Muller, M.F., Zhang, H(2017) Monitoring small reservoirs storage from satellite remote sensing in inaccessible areas, Hydrology and Earth Systems Science.
Muller, M.F., Thompson, S, Kelly, M. (2016) "Bridging the information gap: A webGIS tool for rural electrification in data-scarce regions", Applied Energy
Muller, M.F. and Thompson, S.E. (2015). A topological restricted maximum likelihood (TopREML) approach to regionalize trended runoff signatures in stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Science (19)
Muller, M.F., Roche, K. and Dralle, D.“Catchment processes can amplify the effect of increasing rainfall variability”, in Review, preprint available at https: //
Muller, M.F., Thompson, S.E. (2018) "A value-based model selection approach for environmental random variables", Water Resources Research
Dralle, D., Karst, N., Muller, M.F., Vico, G. and Thompson, S. (2017) "Stochastic modelling of inter-annual variation of hydrologic variables", Geophysical Research Letters
Muller, M.F. and Thompson, S.E (2016) "Comparing statistical and process-based flow duration curve models in ungauged basins and changing rain regimes." Hydrology and Earth System Science (20)
Muller M.F., Muller-Itten M.C and Gorelick S.M. (2017) "How Jordan and Saudi Arabia are avoiding a tragedy of the commons over shared groundwater", Water Resources Research
Review Papers and Opinion Pieces
Bertassello, L., Levy, M.C. and Müller, M.F. "Sociohydrology, ecohydrology, and the space-time dynamics of human-altered catchments", Submitted
Muller, M.F.and Levy, M.C. (2019) "Complementary vantage points: integrating hydrology and economics for sociohydrologic knowledge generation", Water Resources Research